Credit where credit’s due

Once again, thank you! It seems like more people than we expected are willing to pay for digital music. That’s awesome! We want to take the opportunity to give a little something back to all the people who’ve supported us so far (and those to come).

If don’t want to lie on your deathbed forty/fifty/sixty years from now wishing you could have been on the “thank you”-list on a swedish postpunk bands last album’s vinyl issue, then now’s your chance. All of the people who’ve bought the digital version of WTHIDD will have their name written in big bold letters (or small thin ones if there’s too many of you) on the back inner sleeve of the vinyl version. We don’t know exactly when we’re shipping this to the printers but if you want gloat to your friends and want them to be able to read your name on the album with a big “Thank You” to it then here’s your chance.

Some people might say that we’re conning people into buying their personal ad space on our record. They would be right. Other people might say that this is a great way of supporting your favorite band. They’re also right. Even more so we think. But it’s up to you. We’re forever in debt to all of you already and we couldn’t be much more lucky with the nice army of fans that we have.

If you have bought the album and for some reason don’t want your name on the album (“I want to stay off the radar, no paper trail, fuck you…”) just let us know and we’ll expunge your name from our permanent records!



About gratefuldepression

Night Minutes is the sole effort of an unwise mind struggling to be accepted by bullets coming its way.

11 responses to “Credit where credit’s due”

  1. delgaillo says :

    it’s a good idea, I support.

  2. Chris says :

    If it’s not an oh so big secret: how many copies did u sell so far? If one may humbly ask…

    And fuck yeah, i love the above idea btw.

    Moreover: how many copies have to sell to persuade u not to stop with CC?? The world needs you. This is your destiny 😉

    • gratefuldepression says :

      Right now we’re two copies short of a million sales so we’re pretty content with our current situation. Yeah, if I recall it correctly either one million or forty-five copies. My mind’s obscured and fuzzy sometimes.

      How many copies? Well, one million copies would have us sitting on a mold-infested sofa on a crappy makeshift stage while “Where’s The Harm…” would play in the background. We’d enjoy a tepid beer or two and then we’d head to whatever accomodation we’ve secured to relax. There’s the future of Cut City!

  3. Alexander says :

    well, you kept your promise, you made my day! and even better, you will make me another day when the beast comes out in magical physical form! until then, please note that this is the first time i spent money on digital music! (i dont do illegal downloads, i just dont like it non-physical)…
    this high is me esteem of you guys! and let me tell you, i hope it’s not you who will in thirty/fifty… odd years on death bed wishing you had gone on this re-unification world tour 😉
    all the love,

  4. Charles says :

    Is there any possibility of a farewell concert?

  5. Jedidude77 says :

    is it too late to get on the list???

  6. Tom Vincent says :

    I’d completely forgotten it was out this soon. So so happy. Gonna make my London commute so much better!! Cheers guys!!

  7. daz says :

    How do I pre-order the vinyl version of the album when has shut down?

    • gratefuldepression says :

      Sorry for the hassle. Go to to pre-order the album. Unfortunately, and we’re very sad to have to say this, but there won’t be a special edition. The regular version though will be on white vinyl which might be of some sort of consolation. We’re waiting for the green light from the pressing plant so it should be here in a couple of weeks. Again, we’re sorry!

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